Saturday 30 November 2013

Welcome New Member

Welcome to the newest member of the Guild-
Radulf Dimichevaler 

Thursday 14 November 2013

Recipe Submission Form

Lochac Cooks' Guild - Recipe Submission Sheet

Legal Name:

SCA Name:
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
SCA Group:


Title of Recipe:
Category of Recipe:
No of People it served:
Source(s) of Recipe(s):
Date Dish Presented:
Event Dish Presented at:
The Recipe: (please attach a copy of the original recipe as well as noting working version below – continue overleaf if insufficient room)
List any substitutions / changes you made to this recipe, and state why: (continue overleaf if insufficient room)
Is this your own redaction or a pre-redacted recipe:
r Own Redaction
r Pre-redacted
r Pre-redacted with further redaction / alterations



Tasters Name:


Tasters Name:


Tasters Name:

Submit to:

LCG Administrator
c/- PO Box 651, ST AGNES SA 5097

'Sweet Delights' from Innilgard

At Innilgard's Baroness' Championship in late October, a cooking competition was held with the theme of  'Sweet Delights'. Here are two of the entries (which were also commented upon by Cooks' Guild Members) from Anabella Wynter and Juliet Wynter:

Leche lumbard and Gingerbread